Ticket & Sponsorship Opportunities

Thank you for supporting the Beverly Cleary School Foundation

Would you like to add the following items to your order?
Kindergarten Movie Night with Gourmet Popcorn $35.00

Join Ms. Boyeas, Mrs. Hjorth and Ms. Millerman for an after school movie on May 17th from 3-5pm. Students will get to spend times with their friends and teacher watching Mulan and creating their own fancy popcorn with gourmet toppings.

Space is limited to 30 kindergartners. 

Middle School Karaoke Night $40.00

Join Mr. Tabshy and Ms. Kobs  for Karaoke Night at Voicebox.  Students will have their own private VIP Suite with space for singing, dancing and fun with your friends. Wednesday, May 22nd from 5-7pm  Open to 6th-8th graders.

Ms. Nelson's 4th Grade Class Project $25.00
Karaoke party with Ms. Christensen and Ms. Barry $50.00

Get your voice ready for some serious fun and laughter with an hour of karaoke with Ms. Christensen and Ms. Barry! Sing your favorite songs in a private karaoke suite at Voicebox in SE Portland. What a great way to spend time with classmates and make new friends! Healthy, kid friendly snacks to be provided. This event is open to second graders. Due to limted to space, parents please drop off your child(ren). 
 Date to be confirmed with families who sign up. Location is at Voicebox SE Karaoke.